What Is Kosher? – General Overview
Kosher is a process of food production that adheres to dietary guidelines set forth in the Bible and clarified over the centuries by rabbinic authorities in Jewish law.
Kosher observance is a historical, communal, and personal commitment, and a connection to the will of the Creator. To those who observe kosher, its concepts also offer reminders of lessons in kindness and sensitivity to animals, attention to detail in everyday matters, self-control, and thinking before acting.

Kosher is discussed at length in Jewish law and in mystical philosophy.
Kosher food is “health food” for the soul.
According to the Kabbalah, eating is a process of purification. When we eat, we separate the coarse material from the Divine energy in the food. Everything in the world contains some sort of Divine energy. But non-kosher foods are too “coarse” for us to purify by eating. Rather than providing spiritual energy, once metabolized, these foods actually stand in the way and block energy flow.


Although there are many rules and strict guidelines Globalqcert adheres to, here are some of the more common questions we are asked about our kosher standards policy:

    We never allow unsupervised dairy products, including butter and powdered milk.
    We allow only Glatt kosher meat.
    We never allow products that look like non-kosher items, e.g.  soy cheeseburgers, imitation shrimp, and so on.
    Products we certify, are never listed as D. E. (made on dairy equipment). They are either supervised dairy (Cholov Yisroel) or parve.
    All fruits and vegetables are carefully washed, and thoroughly examined.
    All foodservice facilities have a permanent, on site kosher-supervisor (Mashgiach tmidi) who opens the facility and lock it at the end of operation.
    We never certify Gebrochts as “Kosher for Passover”, neither at foodservice locations (i.e. hotel or restaurant) nor as individual single packed products.
    We never rely on leniencies (Heterim) regarding gelatin, even from dry bones, or other ingredients produced using similar leniencies.


[Voluntary GOST R certificate] Voluntary certification is a form of certification in the GOST R system that is applied to products, services and equipment, of which the certification is not required under the legislation of the Russian Federation. As a rule, the voluntary certification takes place at the request of the producer, the seller of goods or at the request of the customer. Thus, at present, some large retail chains on the purchase of certain goods wish to have a written confirmation stating that even if the quality in respect of certain products is not intended for certification. In such a case is carried out, in fact, voluntary certification, and that the certificate of voluntary compliance is formalized as a result of the outcomes of tests, therefore, on the basis of test and recording toilet, despite the certification is being implemented on a voluntary basis .
Where in respect of a service or product is not intended for certification, it means that there are no special requirements and product certification takes place on a voluntary basis for suitability to those safety rules that are declared by the manufacturer or supplier product. The parameters for the suitability of which is tested a sample of the product, represent compliance with GOST or technical specifications (TU), that is the producer through the development of laboratory tests and because of issuance of certified volunteer, as well as confirm the quality of the product under examination, it also indicates the correspondence to the requirements stated in the normative documents.
If you hold a certificate GOST R volunteer becomes easier to get the "Declaration of Conformity," which in this case the certificate is issued on a voluntary basis without the need to perform laboratory tests on samples.
The Voluntary GOST R replaces the "Letter of Exemption" for trade, but not the letter of exemption to the customs.

The obligatory Conformity Certificate - on production which is subject to obligatory certification;The voluntary Certificate of Conformity - on production which is subject to voluntary certification - all other production which was not included into Lists of production which is subject to obligatory certification.
The list of the products, subject to the obligatory GOST R Certification is regulated by the Federal Customs Service letter, dated December, 19th, 2006, N 06-73/44906 "About the list of the goods, for which the obligatory certification is required in case of releasing on the customs territory of the Russian Federation"

Список обязательных стандартов((List of Mandatory Standards))

Cooperation with the EuroCertificate laboratory for EAC Certification (DoC)


TR CU 005/2011 On packaging safety

TR CU 004/2011 On low-voltage equipment safety

TR CU 010/2011 On machinery and equipment safety

TR CU 021/2011 On food safety

TR CU 022/2011 Food products in terms of their labeling

TR CU 020/2011 Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment

TR CU 029/2012 Safety requirements for food additives & flavors and technological aids


The HACCP certification: hygienic safety for your food products
An overview of the HACCP system

For companies involved in the manufacture, processing or transportation of food products, high hygienic standards are of paramount importance. The concept of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is guided by established regulatory requirements for the food industry.

HACCP certifications aim to systematically identify any factors that might present a potential health risk to consumers, allowing you to avoid hygienic hazards or lower their risk to acceptable levels. The certification is based on the Codex Alimentarius, an international code of conduct for the industry. Our experts are here to help you continuously implement the requirements for an HACCP mark.

The certification is relevant to all fields within the food industry, including suppliers such as detergent manufacturers, packaging producers, machine-building firms or chemical plants. Not only does the HACCP mark minimize potential hazards, it signals to your customers that your company is vested in the highest food-safety standards.

Our specialists are available to support you at every stage of the process. Take advantage of our longstanding experience certifying the food industry.

What is GMP?

GMP refers to the Good Manufacturing Practice regulations promulgated by the US Food and Drug Administration under the authority of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (See Chapter IV for food, and Chapter V, Subchapters  A, B, C, D, and E  for drugs and devices.) These regulations, which have the force of law, require that manufacturers, processors, and packagers of drugs, medical devices, some food, and blood take proactive steps to ensure that their products are safe, pure, and effective.

GMP regulations require a quality approach to manufacturing, enabling companies to minimize or eliminate instances of contamination, mixups, and errors.  This protects the consumer from purchasing a product which is not effective or even dangerous. Failure of firms to comply with GMP regulations can result in very serious consequences including recall, seizure, fines, and jail time.

GMP regulations address issues including record keeping, personnel qualifications, sanitation, cleanliness, equipment verification, process validation, and complaint handling. Most GMP requirements are very general and open-ended, allowing each manufacturer to decide individually how to best implement the necessary controls. This provides much flexibility, but also requires that the manufacturer interpret the requirements in a manner which makes sense for each individual business.

GMP is also sometimes referred to as "cGMP". The "c" stands for "current," reminding manufacturers that they must employ technologies and systems which are up-to-date in order to comply with the regulation. Systems and equipment used to prevent contamination, mixups, and errors, which may have been first-rate 20 years ago may be less than adequate by current standards.


From production to the consumer: guarantee the safety of your food with ISO 22000 certification

The ISO 22000 is the comprehensive and internationally recognized standard for management systems in the food industry. With certification according to ISO 22000:2018 you guarantee the quality and safety of food along the entire production chain. From primary producers to transport companies, subcontractors, food manufacturers and retail.

Our experts assist you with testing and certification according to the internationally recognized management system for food safety. ISO 22000 is structurally based on the requirements of a quality management system according to ISO 9001 and complies with the HACCP principles set down in the Codex Alimentarius.

We provide you with ISO 22000 certification, with which you can convince your customers and partners that your company ensures food safety.
